Kids Camp:
Today the kids learned more about modeling, posing and professionalism
Spent lots of time on their projects for Friday’s sharing, as you can see in the photos!
Preteen/Teen camp:
Discussed jobs in the fashion industry, different roles in fashion show productions
They learned about branding and designed their own logo
Lab time spent work on their projects for Friday’s sharing
A major highlight of today for Alyssa and I was meeting so many parents at our first ever Omaha Fashion Camp: Afterhours! Parents got to be campers for the evening. They learned how to thread a needle, hand-stitch a felt pouch, sew on a button and they even got on the sewing machines tonight to help make 200 baby blankets for the Christ Child Society’s layette project! What a fun evening and a great group of parents!! Thank you to all who attended. Enjoy these photos of parents at camp!