Kids Camp UPdate:

Reviewed professionalism, good posture, how to have confidence walking into a room and on the runway.
In fashion sketching we learned about body proportion and measurements as well as silhouettes.
In sewing, we got on the sewing machines! Learned the basics of all of the parts of the machine as well as got to sew on paper with no thread first to get the feel of the machine and how to control it.
Preteen/Teen camp update:

We are learning fashion sketching and illustration - learning the measurements used in the fashion industry.
Omaha South teachers were on hand to teach campers how to put zippers into garments. Each camper made a zipper bag to practice these new skills.
Campers got to shop the Goodwill Pop Up Shop - additional garments were added overnight that will help them complete their looks!
We have so many repeat campers and are spending quite a bit of time giving individualized instruction to help them further sharpen their skills. It has been inspiring to see them grow from year to year at camp!