It was a great first day at Omaha Fashion Camp! This year is our 10th year doing Omaha Fashion Camp and it is always a joy to open the doors to your kids. We are thankful for our partners at South High, who provide a sewing machine for every camper and our friends at Goodwill Omaha who stock our Pop Up shop with items and fabrics that can be up-cycled by our campers! Here’s what we accomplished on our first day:
Kids Camp:
How to thread a needle
Sew an initial on a styrofoam plate (1 plate)
Sew shapes on a styrofoam plate (1 plate)
Sew one button (use shapes plate)
Sew smaller buttons as garden
Create fashion show invitation for parents
Campers to take home: 2 plates, invitation to fashion show
Pre-teen/Teen Camp:
Learned how to hand sew
Made a felt envelope bag (*repeat campers used advanced stitches)
Learned about mood boards and started to pull pictures from magazines of things that inspire them
Everyone got to use the machines, receiving an introduction to all of the parts and basics
Sewing on paper first to test their skills of sewing in a straight line
Talked about creating a brand and starting to make a logo
Shopped the Goodwill pop up shop to start thinking about what they may want to create for their flipped look